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Imagine the difference with

Mental Imagery


Mental imagery is the simulation or re-creation of an experience.

Also known as "visualization" or "mental rehearsal", it involves the practice of deliberately creating images in your mind.

You use mental imagery every day when you recall memories or imagine how something will occur in the future.

Did you know?

Benefits of mental imagery

  • Enhance motivation

  • Increase confidence

  • Deal with pressure or nervousness

  • Manage fear

  • Practice technical skills

Reach your vision with



A goal is the object or aim of an action.

Goals give you the clarity you need to direct the mind and body toward a vision.

You use mental imagery every day when you recall memories or imagine how something will occur in the future.

Did you know?

Benefits of goals

  • Direct attention

  • Mobilize effort

  • Heighten confidence

  • Enhance satisfaction

  • Develop new learning strategies

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